Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Phew...!!! Hari ini tadi, saya mengemas kamar kedua, becoz my lil sis is coming over on the 13th. So, the room got to be ready. Before, it was our store room, with alot of boxes and sampah. hehehe.. So today, me n my pembantu beres-beresin kamar. Moreover, my aunt wanna come over to celebrate Raya Haji here with us. The house got to be neat and tidy.

Kerna kekhusyukan mengemas kamar, saya jadi lupa makan. Pantesan anak di kandungan saya bergerak terus...Minta makan kali ya. So, saya segera memasak sayur tomyam. Sepertinya, i need to have my asar prayer first before eating since now is nearly maghrib.

I am now waiting for my husband to come back. Damn, just now when i was doing the room cleaning, ternyata alot of his stuff (which i think rubbish). I put it one side and let him sort out later, on the weekend. My husband loves to keep anything, coz everything happen to him, for him, its special...Sampei2 sampah pun disimpan. Paloi eh..Heheheh. Jgn marah ya mas....

So now, sementara menunggu sayur masak, saya memblog dong..hehe...Selepas ini saya mau asar dulu, kemudian makan buat baby saya.

Til here, love


Emma Manson said...


ema datang 19th la...bukan 13th. apa da lu...


Izzah Si Nyonya Niko said...

ooo...yakah?heheeheheh...makin lamak la kamek org nunggu kau dtg.huhu...

Anonymous said...


yalah tek. paloi company ema tok. adakah fon copmany di password nya mun ema nak tepon keluar. hishhhhhhhhhh